Results of survey "Value system"
Respondent statistics:
Total respondents:
Male: 4
Female: 5
Average age: 31.1 years
Summary of results
1. Education level
Primary school 1 bar1bar2  11.1%
Secondary school 1 bar1bar2  11.1%
Undergraduate 2 bar1bar2  22.2%
Graduate 3 bar1bar2  33.3%
Postgraduate 2 bar1bar2  22.2%
Total answers 9  
2. Job experience
No experience 2 bar1bar2  22.2%
1-2 years experience 2 bar1bar2  22.2%
3-5 years experience 1 bar1bar2  11.1%
5-10 years experience 2 bar1bar2  22.2%
10 years and more 2 bar1bar2  22.2%
Total answers 9  
3. Marital status
Married with children 3 bar1bar2  33.3%
Married, no children 2 bar1bar2  22.2%
Living with boyfriend/girlfriend 0 bar1bar2  0%
Divorced 1 bar1bar2  11.1%
Other 3 bar1bar2  33.3%
Total answers 9  
Other answers:
  • Single
  • Living with parents
  • Living with parents
4. Evaluate what you value the most in your life (1 – most important; 8 – least important)
Place Points
Family 1 30
Friends 2 30
Love 3 33
Money 4 42
Career 5 45
Religion 6 46
Power (status in the society) 7 48
Physical attractiveness 8 50
Place shows the importance of answer option. The highest place takes most important answer option. Points are the total sum of all answers for this answer. Most important answer has the lowest number of points. Least important answer has highest number of points.
5. Sex in my life is
Not important bar1bar2 Very important
6.44 / 10
Among 9 respondents the average answer is 6.44 (in scale from 1 to 10).
6. In other people I value the most:
Place Points
Loyalty 1 20
Honesty 2 28
Logical and intelligence skills 3 32
Success in career 4 33
Physical attractiveness 5 36
Money 6 40
Place shows the importance of answer option. The highest place takes most important answer option. Points are the total sum of all answers for this answer. Most important answer has the lowest number of points. Least important answer has highest number of points.
7. I believe that
I have an influence over most of the things and events of my life 5 bar1bar2  55.6%
There are some higher powers influencing the turn of events of my life, and there is no sense to plan and try to influence anything 2 bar1bar2  22.2%
There are some higher powers influencing the turn of events of my life, but I can change them if I really want to 2 bar1bar2  22.2%
Total answers 9  
8. I value myself and other people usually:
I am good but other people are bad 1 bar1bar2  11.1%
I am bad but other people are good 2 bar1bar2  22.2%
I am good and other people are good 6 bar1bar2  66.7%
I am bad and other people are bad as well 0 bar1bar2  0%
Total answers 9  
9. Look at the picture. What does the eyes tell about a person?
Eyes of a happy person 5 bar1bar2  55.6%
Eyes of a sad person 3 bar1bar2  33.3%
Can't tell 1 bar1bar2  11.1%
Total answers 9  
10. For me it is more important to:
Follow the heart 5 bar1bar2  55.6%
Follow the mind 4 bar1bar2  44.4%
Total answers 9  
11. In your opinion, what values are valued the most in today’s society?
1) Money
2) Celebrities, Money
3) Money, Attractiveness, Power
4) In today s society are the most valued money, beauty, enjoyments...
5) Fame, money
6) honesty and truthful
7) dsrsfd
8) honesty
9) punctuality, respect, responsibility
12. In which of the pictures you can feel stronger love?
img/uk/user_q8/200012995_sm.jpg 5 bar1bar2  55.6%
img/uk/user_q8/200012996_sm.jpg 4 bar1bar2  44.4%
Total answers 9  
13. In the nearest 3 years I would like to pay more attention to my: (many answers possible)
Career development 2 bar1bar2  10%
Education 4 bar1bar2  20%
Appearance 2 bar1bar2  10%
Family life 5 bar1bar2  25%
Love life 5 bar1bar2  25%
Religion 2 bar1bar2  10%
Total answers 20  
14. Your participation in this survey helped to obtain important data for my diploma paper. Thank you for your answers!
If you are interested to see the results of the survey – let me know. I will send them to you.

Explanation: Total answers is the sum of all answers selected by the participants on certain question. The percentage for each answer option is calculated dividing the amount of this answer with the number of total answers.